January 2024 Foot Traffic

Home Showings in the U.S. in January 2024
Showings down 5% Y/Y in January
January 2024 U.S. showings were down 5% year-over-year, with 559,148 showings, according to data from SentriLock, LLC., a lockbox company. The pace of showing activity has declined compared to last month, December 2023.
SentriLock Cards Inclined 3% Y/Y
The total number of U.S. SentriLock cards rose3% year-over-year to 228,572. SentriLock cards, comprised of SentriKey® and SentriCard®,allow REALTORS® to access the Sentrilock® lockbox and arean indicator of the number of REALTORS® who conduct the showing.
Showings Per Card Decreased by 8% Y/Y
The number of showings per card reflects the strength of buyer interest per listed property. At a national level, showings per card decreased 8% year-over-year in January.
Regional Home Showings in December 2023
Three of the four Regions Saw Y/Y Showings Decrease
Three of the four regions saw a decrease in showings year-over-year in January: the Northeast (-22%), followed by the Midwest (-12%). Showings were down in the West (-6%). Showings were up (1%) in the South.
Y/Y SentriLock Cards Decreased In Two of the Four Regions
Cards on a y/y basis were up in the South (11%), while the Midwest region was flat (0%). Cards were down in the Northeast (-16%) followed by the West, which was down (-2%).
Showings Per Card Decreased In all Four Regions On A Y/Y Basis
All four regions saw a year-over-year declinein showings per card in January. The Midwest had the biggest decline (-12%),followed by the South (-9%). The Northeast fell by (-6%) followed by the West region,which had the smallest drop of (-5%).
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5966 Fairview Rd, Suite 400, Charlotte, NC, 28210, United States